The more effort you pay to life, the luckier you will be.
This single stem of Hydrangea is beautifully wrapped is definitely our pick of the shop.
Trust me, this hydrangea is going to bring you a whole year of luck as it neither wilt nor brings you any hassles. So just bring it home and it will bloom for you with beauty and loyalty, and we will be pleased to see you marching into 2022 with head held high, being fierce and courageous!
4 Colors available, 4 stems 10% off, 6 stems of above 20% off. Mixed colors are welcomed, just remark what you place the order.
相信我,這是一枝能帶給你一整年好運的絲花繡球,不凋謝、不需打理,只要帶它回家,它就會一直美麗而忠誠地為你盛放,陪你勇闖 2022。
四色任選,四枝以上 9 折,6 枝以上 8 折,可混色,請於下單時注明便可。